Új publikációk

Dóra Gábriel and Noémi Katona (2024) Diversification of the senior home care market in Hungary: informality and the operational modes of intermediaries.

Dóra Gábriel and Noémi Katona (2024) Diversification of the senior home care market in Hungary: informality and the operational modes of intermediaries. In: Brigitte Aulenbacher, Helma Lutz, Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck, Karin Schwiter (Eds.) Home Care for Sale. The Transnational Brokering of Senior Care in Europe. ISBN: 9781529680409. SAGE Studies in International Sociology. (64-78)

Joó T., Foley K., Brys Z., et al. (2024). Impact of regulatory tightening of the Hungarian tobacco retail market on availability, access and cigarette smoking prevalence of adolescents

Joó T, Foley K, Brys Z, et al (2024). Impact of regulatory tightening of the Hungarian tobacco retail market on availability, access and cigarette smoking prevalence of adolescents. Tobacco Control. Online First. https://doi.org/10.1136/tc-2023-058232. (Online first; IF:5,2; D1 in Health-Social Science)