
EC Horizon - NextGenerationEU 


Kutatásvezetők: Messing Vera, Ságvári Bence

Projekt résztvevők: Horzsa Gergely, Stefkovics Ádám, Hammer Gergely 


A prjekt leírása angolul:

Infra4NextGen – a €9.75m, four-year project set to begin on 1 March 2024 – will re-purpose and customise existing research services to support the five themes of the NextGenerationEU programme. The project will be co-ordinated by the European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) and includes CESSDA ERIC, the European Values Study (EVS) and the Generations and Gender Programme (GGP) at its core.  

New data will collected on each topic of NextGenerationEU through CRONOS-3 webpanel fielded over five waves in 11 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom). Institute of Sociology will be part of the survey panel and will run 5 waves of survey  that focus on five key areas of NextGenerationEU: Make it Green; Make it Digital; Make it Healthy; Make it Strong; and Make it Equal. Existing data from these surveys will then by analysed and summarised to produce a series of policy-relevant tabulations and visualisations with commentary presented in a dedicated online portal.  The project includes  deliberative workshops with young people (aged 18-34) in four countries, including Hungary based on the results of the CRONOS-3 survey. There are 6 affiliated entities and 24 beneficiaries taking part in the project.