Labour relations and employment policies in times of volatility :: Special issue in English No. 7 (2019)
Edited by Péter Csizmadia and Dorottya Szikra
- Dorottya Szikra – Péter Csizmadia: The paradoxes of neo-liberalism: labour market and social dialogue in times of volatility
- András Tóth: László Neumann (1949–2019)
- Barry Colfer: The European Trade Union Confederation – more than the sum of its parts?
- Jochen Tholen: Trade Unions in CEE and SEE. Modernisation or Sinking into Insignificance?
- Zsuzsa Árendás – Sára Hungler: The Empty Shell of Social Dialogue. Case Study from Hungary
- Varvara Lalioti: Strengthening the Links between Education and the Labour Market. The case of Greece in a European context
- Anikó Gregor –Eszter Kováts: Work–life: balance? Tensions between care and paid work in the lives of Hungarian women
- György Molnár – Balázs Bazsalya – Lajos Bódis – Judit Kálmán: Public works in Hungary. Actors, allocation mechanisms and labour market mobility effects
- Cecília Kovai: Permanent wage labour as a norm. Workfare policy and everyday experiences of precariousness in a small Hungarian former industrial town
- Vera Messing: Researching Romanian urban ghettos from a neo-Marxist perspective. Racialized Labour in Romania Spaces of Marginality at the Periphery of Global Capitalism