Jour Fixe 133 | Dániel Mikecz, Márton Gerő: In the grip of two forces: sociology under attack in Hungary

   2024. április 4. - 2024. április 4.

A HUN-REN Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont (MTA Kiváló Kutatóhely) 

Szociológiai Intézete 

tisztelettel meghívja 133. Jour Fixe eseményére


In the grip of two forces: sociology under attack in Hungary


Előadók: Gerő Márton (HUN-REN TK SZI); Mikecz Dániel  (HUN-REN TK PTI)

Hozzászólók:  Andrew Richard Ryder (ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences); Judit Gárdos (Centre for Social Sciences)

Időpont: 2024. április 04. csütörtök 13:00

Helyszín: Az eseményt hibrid formában tartjuk meg.

Személyesen: Szociológiai Intézet 1097 Budapest Tóth Kálmán utca 4.;  B.1.15 tárgyaló

Online: Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 853 3261 3246
Passcode: 483702



In Hungary, besides marketization, de-democratization has impacted politically sensitive disciplines such as sociology and other social sciences. Alongside the democratic regression of the country under the Orbán governments since 2010, sociology has once again come under attack since the country's democratisation in 1989/1990. Concurrently, global influences on sociology, such as global academic competitiveness, commercialization, and the business practices of academic publishers, are aggravated and manipulated by the illiberal regime. In our paper, our objective is to examine how the marketization of academia intertwines with the formation of an illiberal regime in Hungary. Furthermore, we also aim to illustrate how researchers and their communities have responded to the challenges posed by neoliberal and illiberal tendencies. To grant political and economic freedom, sociologists turn to the opportunities granted by marketization and internationalisation, which, in turn, pose obstacles to collective action addressing marketization in academia. 


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