Katalin Tardos

Katalin Tardos
Download CV Senior Research Fellow (TK SZI)
Research Interests

Katalin Tardos (PhD) is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology. She earned her PhD in Sociology at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. Her research topics include gender equality and women in science, gender and precarity, social inclusion and exclusion in the labour market, different forms of employment discrimination, workplace equality and diversity management practices, work-life balance and family-friendly practices, and age diversity in the labour market. She is the co-founder and co-chair of the Section for the Sociology of Work and Social Inequality of the Hungarian Sociological Association. Katalin has led several research projects funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund on multiple discrimination and innovations in human resource management, as well as on career models and inequalities of women in science and higher education. She participated in a number of international comparative research on employers’ recruitment decisions (FP6 RECWOWE) and industrial relations in the context of subcontracting, digitalisation, and teleworking (EC - Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion DG). At present she is the principal investigator for the research project UNTWIST (Horizon Europe). Katalin has published over 50 articles and books on topics related to discrimination in the labour market, workplace equality and diversity, and gender equality in academia. Recently participates in two Horizon Europe projects (UNTWIST and AGRIGEP). Most recent publication: Morris, C., Parada, F., Moreau, M-P., Paksi, V., Read, B., Sautier, M., Tardos, K. (2024). Gender Inequity and Precarity in European Neoliberal AcademiaCentre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University: Working Papers on University Reform. Forthcoming thematic issue: Tardos, K., Paksi, V., Takács, J, Bencivenga, R. (2025) (Eds.): Gender Equality Plans in European Research Performing OrganisationsSocial Inclusion, 13. 

Selected Publications

Tardos, K., & Paksi, V. (2024). The Precarity Paradox: Experiences of Female PhD-holders across Career Stages in STEM Fields. LEARNING AND TEACHING. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 17(3): 58-80. https://doi.org/10.3167/latiss.2024.170304

Morris, C., Paksi, V., Read B., Snickare, L. Tardos, K. (2024) Gendered precarity in higher education. Subversions, strategies, survival. LEARNING AND TEACHING. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES, 17(3): 1-18. 

Tardos, K. – Paksi, V. (2024) The role of the support of top management in gender equality outcomes in higher education and research. FEMINISMO/S, 43: 271-309. https://doi.org/10.14198/fem.2024.43.11

Tardos, K., & Paksi, V. (2022). Can Equality Plans Contribute to the Sustainable Development Goal linked to Gender Equality in Higher Education and Research Performing Organisations? EDUCATION OF ECONOMISTS AND MANAGERS,62(4), 35–53. http://doi.org/10.33119/EEIM.2021.62.2

Paksi, V., Nagy, B., & Tardos, K. (2022). Perceptions of Barriers to Motherhood. SOCIAL INCLUSION, 10(3), 149–159. http://doi.org/10.17645/si.v10i3.5250

Tardos, K., Paksi, V., & Fábri, G. (Eds.) (2021). TUDOMÁNYOS KARRIEREK A 21. SZÁZAD ELEJÉN. (Scientific Careers in the beginning of the 21st century). Szeged: Belvedere Meridionale. Letölthető: http://www.belvedere.meridionale.hu/letolt/Tardos-Paksi-Fabri_2021_Tudomanyos%20karrierek.pdf

Tardos, K., & Paksi, V. (2018). Diversity Management and Gender Equality Outcomes in Research, Development & Innovation Organisations: Lessons for Practitioners. SZOCIOLÓGIAI SZEMLE, 28(4), 166–190. http://doi.org/10.51624/SzocSzemle.2018.4.8

Research Projects

2023-2026 UNTWIST: Policy recommendations to regain 'feminism losers' as mainstream voters (Horizon Europe). Principal investigator for HUN-REN CSS

2023-2025 AGRIGEP - Agriculture Education and Research Responsible Assessment to Implement Gender Equality Plan and Strategy (Horizon Europe WIDERA). Participating researcher. (Head of consortium: Julianna Kobolák, MATE, Hungary)

2021-2023 European Universities – Critical Futures. The Roles of Universities in European Integration (Danish Research Council). Member of the Gender and Precarity Working Group. (Head of Working Group: Charlotte Morris, University of Plymouth)

2016-2021 Career Models and Career Advancement in Research and DevelopmentDifferent Patterns and Inequalities in Labour Market Opportunities, Personal Network Building and Work-Life Balance (National Scientific Research Fund). Principal investigator