Recent papers

Christopher R. Jones, Christian Oltra, Alessio Giacometti, Vanja Čok, Janez Povh, Ursa Lamut, Gaston Meskens, Joke Kenens, Robbe Geysmans, Catrinel Turcanu, Zoltan Ferencz, Maria Teresa Orlando, Chiara Bustreo (2024) The clock is ticking

Christopher R. Jones, Christian Oltra, Alessio Giacometti, Vanja Čok, Janez Povh, Ursa Lamut, Gaston Meskens, Joke Kenens, Robbe Geysmans, Catrinel Turcanu, Zoltan Ferencz, Maria Teresa Orlando, Chiara Bustreo (2024). The clock is ticking: Understanding the ‘mixed feelings’ about fusion energy in Europe. Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 113, 103538, ISSN 2214-6296, (IF=6.7; Q1)

Hilbert, B. (2024). New Aspects in Historical-Geographical Research of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The Legal Nature of the Customs Union and Migration Links between Austria and Hungary (1870–1910)

Hilbert, B. (2024). New Aspects in Historical-Geographical Research of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy: The Legal Nature of the Customs Union and Migration Links between Austria and Hungary (1870–1910). Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 165, 63-89.