Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
The aim of the present research is to reveal which factors influence non-resident fathers’ participation in their children’s lives. This question is important because fathers‘ roles have changed a lot recently: more and more men participate in their underage children’s lives, while lots of fathers do not live with their children due to partnerships instabilities.
In this research project, Ivett Szalma will apply quantitative and qualitative methods:
- In the quantitative part, she will use the "Turning-points in our Life" panel survey made by HCSO’s Demographic Research Institute. The first round was conducted in 2001 with a sample aged 18-74. Later the interviewees were asked three times: in 2004, 2008 and 2012. This database contains enough information about non-resident fathers and the frequency of contact with their children.
- In the qualitative part, she will conduct 30 semi-structured interviews with fathers who do not live together with their children below 18. Szalma will pay attention to have some diversity in our sample, also including for example fathers who live with their new partners or live with children in their new households.